Creating my BIM Execution Plan

New BIM Execution Plan (BIMx) done, and hopefully this one will be a bit more useful on projects. When I started at the firm my boss at the time took the Penn State template and simply deleted pieces that he didn’t feel we needed for our project sizes. After 2 years of using that BIMx we developed another one eliminating more information and tried to streamline the documentation. Again after 2 years I felt it was time to work on the BIMx again. The thought came to me after attending the BIM Workshop in Anaheim 2015.

I basically started with the standard Penn State template and reworked it using all the information I have accumulated through lessons learned on previous projects and BIMx documentation. One of the main issues we kept having with our BIMx was instruction on how to fill it out correctly. Therefore I added a page at the beginning of the document that is to be deleted after completion. I also used the table tool in Word, giving ease in deleting sections and adding pages as needed.

In my opinion the one of the biggest failures in a successful BIM project is the start-up. Starting a project, which means prior to starting a model, with the BIM Execution Plan can prevent possible work arounds to accommodate requirements. The BIM Execution plan is meant to be used for setting the tone of the project. I require all my projects that have consultants working with our model, either now or in the future to have a BIMx worked up and sent out. This leads to a BIM Kick-off meeting, these meetings are opportunities to discuss the needs of consultants.

For example: I had a project starting with Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical all working in Revit. (this is our 4th project together) We have a campus project with several buildings, so each building has its own model linking into the site model. The Mechanical and Electrical consultants came to the table with their issue of equipment linking to each building and the issues they have had in the past. This conversation is exactly why a BIM Kick off meeting is so vital.  Due to the early discussion and willingness of collaboration with the parties we have a successful project running in our office.

Thanks to these early conversations and projects that have been successful and failed I was able to write a BIM Execution plan that I feel works, at least for the time being. At the end of the year we will sit down and go over the lessons learned again, and edit as needed.


CanBIM Vancouver February 16th-17th 2016

CanBIM Vancouver being hostd at the Pinnacle Hotel Vancouver Harbourfront

Beyond BIM Building Information Modeling has many benefits that go beyond the model itself. Data mining, Computational Design, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Building Energy Analysis, Pre-Fabrication; among other possibilities these processes are proving BIM’s worth and pushing progress in the AECOO field to new heights.

I have been invited to be part of the panel: “Challenges in BIM Production”

This session is an interactive panel discussion with esteemed members of the AEC industry on technology and its impact on design and the design and construction process. A stimulating discussion on how they have taken advantage of the current and what the future may hold.

  • Learn how leaders in the industry are utilizing today’s technology
  • Speculate on future technology
  • Learn from the best
  • See how are other companies managing BIM projects

Always an exciting adventure to share what I have learned and what others have experienced. If you get the chance come join us for this interesting discussion.

Autodesk Launches BIM 360 docs

Autodesk launches BIM 360 Docs to help the construction project team collaborate together more effectively. I’ve always liked the idea of everyone having the ability to access all the documents in project. Seems Autodesk has come up with an answer for lost documentation, and which version is the final version. I’ve played a little with this type of service from Autodesk when we tested the C4R and have found it useful, even just with the internal team. I like the fact the contract can check the objects in the Revit model for information rather than hunting down the document. I think this is a step closer to paperless construction, and complete collaboration between all parties on a project.




It also seems that cloud storage is getting closer and close to free, since this service offers unlimited space for the projects in the cloud.

Being able to check, process, and mark-up documents using your tablet on site, sounds like a huge time saver to me. You can play with the Free version on one project, check it out could be pretty cool.

The next step is to get the pricing of these new tools put into the contract. I believe with education and showing the owner a little ROI success for full team collaboration is right around the corner


Thoughts and ideas on supporting users in a design technology world

There's no BIM like home

One man's dream to apply BIM and IOT to his smarthome

PPT Practitioner

Adventures in the world of People, Processes and Tools

Revit beyond BIM

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